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Rose Gimlet Rose Gimlet

Rose Gimlet

Rose Gimlet

The gimlet is traditionally a cocktail made with gin & lime juice. A description in the 1953 Raymond Chandler novel The Long Goodbye stated that “a real gimlet is half gin and half Rose’s lime juice cordial and nothing else.” However, modern tastes are less sweet, and generally provide for at least two parts gin to one part of lime + other non-alcoholic elements. This rose rendition is perfect for Valentine’s Day! 🌹💜

Rose Gimlet
x @the_margarita_mum
Makes one cocktail
â€ĸ 2.5 oz Gin
â€ĸ .5 oz Fresh lime juice
â€ĸ .5 oz El GuapoÂŽ Rose Cordial
â€ĸ Fresh flowers & dried rose petals, for garnish

In a clean shaker filled with ice, add all ingredients & shake vigorously until combined. Double strain into vintage glassware serve on a sliver platter with dried rose petals. Tasting Tip: If you like a little more citrus, bump it up to 1oz. This is delicious too 😉 

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