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ChlorophyllSpa-cktail ChlorophyllSpa-cktail

Chlorophyll Spa-cktail

COVID has made apparent that self care and wellness are of paramount importance even when the world around us is shut down and there is nowhere to seek out typical classes and services. We've had fun creating our own home routines and rituals - one being spa inspired zero proof drinks for long soaks in the tub or late afternoon porch hangs.

This particular recipe utilizes green chlorophyll drops, which taste very vegetal. If you don't enjoy wheatgrass shots, this may not be the drink for you. Please note, while we love Sakara Life and use their meal plans and wellness products regularly, you can easily find chlorophyll drops online or inside many natural food stores, including Whole Foods.

We hope you'll give our Chlorophyll Spa-cktail a try... see what we did there?

Chlorophyll Spa-cktail
Makes one cocktail

In a shaker filled with ice, combine tonic syrup and detox water drops. Shake until well chilled and strain into a martini or coupe. Fill to brim with chilled club soda, and garnish with a dehydrated lime wheel and yard flowers before serving. Cheers!

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