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Porch-y Gin Fizz Lavender Porch-y Gin Fizz Lavender

Porch-y Gin Fizz Lavender

Here's a porch cocktail for the heat wave... it's coming in HOT.

Porch-y Gin Fizz
Crystal Palardy
recipe: Christa Cotton
Makes one cocktail
2 oz Gin
1 oz Pomegranate Juice
6 dashes El Guapo® Cucumber Lavender Bitters
Club Soda
Flowering Lavender stalk, for garnish

In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, combine gin, juice and bitters. shake until well chilled, and strain into a low ball or stemless wine glass over fresh ice. top with club soda and garnish with a fresh stalk of flowering lavender before serving. CHEERS!

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