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Mother of Pearl

Created by Lane Primeaux, Beverage Director of Soji in Baton Rouge. This is the perfect floral cocktail to survive the summer heat.

Mother of Pearl
Makes one cocktail

  • 2 oz rose hip infused Shochu (directions below)
  • .75 oz Black Rose Giffard Liqueur
  • .5 oz fresh lemon juice
  • .25 oz El Guapo® Rose Cordial
  • .5 oz egg white
  • Dehydrated rose petals, for garnish

In clean shaker filled with ice, combine Shochu, liqueur, juice, cordial and egg white. Shake thoroughly until well chilled. Strain into a coupe, and garnish with dehydrated rose petals prior to serving.

To create infused Shochu, pour one 750 mL bottle of Shochu over one cup of dehydrated rose petals in a non-reactive container to steep. Reserve empty bottle. Allow to infuse at room temperature for for up to 24 hours - knowing the longer you steep the stronger the floral notes in the alcohol will be. Strain mixture through cheese cloth, and re-bottle using funnel. The infused Shochu will keep for up to two months if properly refrigerated.

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