Neutral Ground Side
Jan 13, 2021

This recipe comes to us from our friends at Compère Lapin and is featured in Newsweek's Vacation in a Glass Cocktails: Around the World 2020 Series.
Neutral Ground Side
Makes One Cocktail
- 1.75 oz King Cake Cachaça (recipe below)
- .5 Cathead Hoodoo Chicory Liqueur
- 1 splash freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 2 dashes El Guapo® Chicory Pecan Bitters
- 1 toasted marshmallow, for garnish
In a clean mixing glass filled with ice, combine all ingredients and stir until well chilled. Strain into Nick & Nora glass, and garnish with skewered toasted marshmallow just before serving. Cheers!
King Cake Cachaça
Makes ~4 cups
- 1 liter cachaça (we used Avuá Cachaça)
- 2 scraped vanilla beans
- 2 handfulls toasted pecans
- 2 handfulls golden raisins
- 4 whole nutmegs, ground
- 2 whole cinnamon sticks
Combine all ingredients in a large airtight container, and allow to infuse for 5-7 days, agitating occasionally to infuse flavors. Be sure to hang on to the empty cachaça bottle. Strain through a cheesecloth or 200 micron filter before storing in the empty bottle, which can keep for 3 months at room temperature.