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Smoked Pecan Old Fashioned

Smoky Old Fashioned with Creole Orgeat, Chicory Pean Bitters and Spiced Cocoa Bitters.

Smoky Pecan Old Fashioned

Smoky Pecan Old Fashioned Fall in a glass.. enjoy this delicious, ...

Express Yourself (AKA the El Guapo Espresso Martini)

Don’t go for second best, babyPut your love to the testYou know, you know you’ve got toMake him express how he feels...

Give’m An Inch

On the eighth day of Christmas cocktail competition, our buds at Saint Germain made for usâ€Ļ đŸĨƒ Give’m An InchMelanie ...

Santa’s Tipple

On the ninth day of Christmas cocktail competition, our buds at Toups Meatery made for us a DELICIOUS Brandy cocktai...

Southern New Fashioned

Spicy hot take on a classic Old Fashioned with El Guapo Chicory Pecan Bitters and Red Clay Hot-Hot Honey.

Neutral Ground Side

King Cake Cachaça cocktail with Chicory Pecan Bitters for a quintessential taste of New Orleans

All Sauced Up 2.0

Thanksgiving inspired bourbon cocktail with Chicory Pecan Bitters.

Pisco Peach and Fall Martini

A delicious fall inspired peach martini with Chicory Pecan Bitters.

Bitter Buttermilk Skulls with Lime Icing

Scrumptious Halloween skull cakes with Chicory Pecan Bitters.

Coffee Scented Whipped Cream

Homemade whipped cream with Chicory Pecan Bitters.
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